Zahid, Mat Sabu to resolve fishermen issue

DEPUTY Prime Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi will meet with Indonesia’s maritime affairs and fisheries minister to address the long-standing issue of Malaysian fishermen being detained in Indonesian waters.

Zahid, who previously held the portfolios of defence and home affairs minister, acknowledged the struggles faced by fishermen, including boat seizures, equipment confiscations, and even imprisonment.

“There have been cases where fishermen, along with their boats, were taken into neighbouring waters, arrested, imprisoned, their boats burned, nets confiscated, and equipment seized — I know this.”

Zahid said this in his speech at an engagement session with the West Coast Zone Fishing Community at Dewan Dato’ Lope Hashim in Bagan Datuk, yesterday.

Also present was Agriculture and Food Security Minister Mohamad Sabu.

To resolve the matter, Zahid said he and Mohamad will visit Indonesia to engage in direct discussions.

“I have done this before. During the Sungai Besar by-election, seven of our fishermen were detained and imprisoned. At that time, I sought assistance from my friends in Indonesia to help secure their release.

“We also know that certain operations are carried out by specific parties in respective countries to meet their targets — determining how, how many, and where these fishermen must be taken.

“I believe fishermen from Selangor, Negri Sembilan, and other places face similar challenges, and I will work to resolve this,” he said.

In addition to diplomatic efforts, Zahid urged the government to provide better support for fishermen by modernising their equipment.

He proposed that the Agriculture and Food Security Ministry, through its agencies and financial institutions, introduce a leasing scheme to help fishermen acquire advanced technology such as smart sonar, integrated GPS, and marine surveillance drones.

“Not all fishermen and boat owners are wealthy. I hope the ministry can assist in ensuring that modern technologies are implemented to increase fishing efficiency.

“Conventional methods should no longer be prioritised,” he said, calling on financial institutions, including those under the Entrepreneur and Cooperative Development Ministry, to facilitate a lease-to-own scheme for fishermen.”