No need for PPBM to be hypocrite, says Zahid

KUALA LUMPUR, 5 Okt – Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi today lashed out at PPBM, saying there is no need for them to become hypocrite and play innocent in its possible cooperation with Umno.

He said if they are sincere, they could always disband the party and all its members return to Umno.

“Maybe the Supreme Council (MKT) and the grassroots will have a heart to re-accept them,” he said in a Facebook posting.


The Bagan Datuk MP also said among factors which led to members’ rejection of PPBM are:

First: Umno is a noble party and does not belong to anybody. It belongs to the people and more than 3.3 million members. Its grassroots will not bargain on this principle. Any effort to manipulate it cannot be accepted.

Second: The party grassroots have realised how they were cheated by PPBM in the 14th general election.

“They are determined to improve the situation and re-instal Umno as the central government in GE15. They believe this can be achieved under Barisan Nasional bandwagon,” he said.

The Third factor, said Zahid is the fact that PPBM is an Umno splinter party formed in 2016.

“It was formed by those sour grapes who failed to meet their personal interest in Umno. They later formed a cahort with DAP and other parties in Pakatan Harapan to topple Umno in the last general election. They accused Umno leadership with lies and slanders.”

The Fourth factor is PPBM’s dishonesty by fishing out Umno members.