ASSALAMUALAIKUM, I pray for your good health and wellbeing. I sincerely wish to thank all friends who provided me with all their support throughout my trial in court. I took note of a lot of requests for me to come …
Continue ReadingASSALAMUALAIKUM, I pray for your good health and wellbeing. I sincerely wish to thank all friends who provided me with all their support throughout my trial in court. I took note of a lot of requests for me to come …
Continue ReadingPUTERI receives many requests from prospective vaccine recipients for assistance in terms of registration and so on in an effort to ensure that all citizens are vaccinated within the stipulated period. Following the announcement by Datuk Seri Reezal Merican Naina …
Continue ReadingPOLICIES adopted by UMNO General Assembly (PAU) in 2019 still applies, and all top party leaders have reiterated many times that there will be no cooperation with PKR and DAP. Rejecting PPBM does not mean we should continue with others. …
Continue ReadingUMNO Youth is deeply concerned with the people's grievances over the RM10,000 compound against those flouting the Covid-19 SOP. Although in principle UMNO Youth supports the Government's efforts but the amount of compound is too high, and in fact is …
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