SOME of us posed many questions about UMNO, as if it has no direction. I do understand their concern, and today, I would like to give them a clearer picture. Firstly, our utmost priority now is empowering Barisan Nasional (BN) …
Continue ReadingSOME of us posed many questions about UMNO, as if it has no direction. I do understand their concern, and today, I would like to give them a clearer picture. Firstly, our utmost priority now is empowering Barisan Nasional (BN) …
Continue ReadingSOME international physicians are of the opinion that the global pandemic is expected to stay until 2024. Although vaccination has started, unfair treatment by some developed countries have resulted in many developing and less developed having difficulty to get vaccine …
Continue ReadingKUALA LUMPUR, Feb 12 - The abolition of i-Sinar withdrawal conditions as announced by Minister of Finance Tengku Datuk Seri Zafrul Abdul Aziz yesterday will certainly relieve the applicants. Wanita Information Chief Datuk Norshida Ibrahim said as a result of …
Continue ReadingKUALA LUMPUR, Feb 15 - UMNO President Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi cited the national Gross Domestic Product (GDP) was reportedly shrunk 5.6 per cent in 2020, the worst since 1998 with the last annual GDP was reported to …
Continue ReadingKUALA LUMPUR, Feb 13 - UMNO Puteri chief Datuk Zahida Zarik Khan said, the government finally bows out to the people's voice to do away with conditions in their I-Sinar withdrawal. She commented that this is one of UMNO's main …
Continue ReadingTHE Education Ministry has introduced a system known as the Teaching and Learning at Home (PdPR) since 2020. We understand that the PdPR method is the best mechanism at present to contain the spread of COVID-19 infection among students. However, …
Continue ReadingGOSH! I cant help but putting up a broad smile reading Tun Daim Zainuddin's criticism against UMNO. This is what you'll get talking without candor, stepping into someone else's shoe without prior checking and failing to mirror yourself first. Daim …
Continue ReadingKUALA LUMPUR, Feb 12 - Barisan Nasional (BN) is not just a political coalition but a formula that has led to Malaysian prosperity since the early days. In his FB posting, BN Chairman and UMNO President Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad …
Continue ReadingTHERE are two alternatives in containing the spiraling case of Covid-19 infection: First, the FULL MCO - The government and banks provide financial assistance to the people. Ask the people to stay calm at home for a certain period of …
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