FACE-to-face school sessions throughout the country involving 524,718 students who will sit for examinations, of whom 400,445 are for SPM, 92,964 (STPM), 23,313 (SVM) and 7,996 (STAM) commenced at the height of Covid-19 pandemic. If the implementation of the state …
Continue ReadingIN LINE with the Emergency Proclamation and Movement Control Order (PKP), the UMNO General Assembly 2020 scheduled for 30-31 January 2021 has been postponed. New dates will be announced later. It is reminded that UMNO members must always comply with …
Continue ReadingKUALA LUMPUR, Jan 15 - UMNO president Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi said flood assistance to the victims involved was not only confined when their homes were flooded but post-flood assistance should also be doubled. According to the Barisan …
Continue ReadingTODAY is the second day our children undergo online Teaching and Learning (PdP) sessions at home. However, I received many complaints yesterday, only after a day it was implemented throughout the country. Many complained on my Facebook about the constraints …
Continue ReadingWE HAVE to admit that the issue of school reopening is getting more complicated after the government on January 16 decided to postpone it due to Covid-19 case which is on the rise. The Ministry of Education Malaysia (MOE) has …
Continue ReadingJAN 6 - UMNO Supreme Council which met today, took note of all motions put forward by the 4-wing delegates meeting concluded on January 3rd. 2. The meeting also refined all motions raised by 189 that have convened their meetings …
Continue ReadingUMNO President Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi took a firm stand despite the various accusations and slanders leveled against him. Through his Facebook post, the Barisan Nasional (BN) chairman stressed out that no matter how bad he was battered, …
Continue ReadingMALAYSIA is in a very 'unprecedented' situation in its history. The pandemic is spreading, the economy is collapsing, the country is placed under a state of emergency, the constitution is suspended and the Parliament is not functioning. We agree that …
Continue Reading1. THE President today held a meeting with UMNO Division Heads throughout Malaysia. 2. A total of 189 Divisions including the same number for the Women, Pemuda and Puteri wings have successfully completed their respective Delegates Meetings as required by …
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