1. UMNO is currently giving priority to the House of Assembly which will commence on July 13, 2020. 2. UMNO is aware that efforts are being made to challenge the position of the Prime Minister by those who want to …
Continue Reading1. UMNO is currently giving priority to the House of Assembly which will commence on July 13, 2020. 2. UMNO is aware that efforts are being made to challenge the position of the Prime Minister by those who want to …
Continue ReadingI AM perturbed by the spate of communal riots in Minnesota, New York and other major US cities in the wake of George Floyd's death in what was described as the police brutality. Public buildings have been torched, police vehicles …
Continue ReadingI READ Subang Member of Parliament Wong Chen's tweet which confirmed that the Public Account Committee (PAC) did not find any irregularity that refunds from the General Sales Tax (GST) was swindled as claimed by former Finance Minister Lim Guan …
Continue ReadingI RECEIVED many complaints from friends who can't perform their Friday prayers and other duties at the mosques and surau since the Movement Control Order (MCO) was imposed on March 18. Although some mosques are allowed to resume Friday congregation …
Continue ReadingTHE social media, especially the Whatsapp application was having polemic about the schooling session lately. Among which is the possibility of secondary schools to be re-opened in June, primary in July while special education and kindergarten will observe further shutdown …
Continue ReadingI WELCOME the brief statement by Dato' Abdul Rahman Dahlan on the digital gap in Malaysia. The Covid-19 pandemic and MCO have drastically increased the people's and economic dependency on digital news dissemination system or online. It somehow exposes how …
Continue ReadingAFTER 3 months of adapting to the MCO (Movement Control Order) and the new normal following the Covid-19 crisis, the Government has to come to terms with the next phase of aid and intervention. The economy is still bleak, unemployment …
Continue ReadingTHE photo going viral in the social media was a meeting among president of all parties to nominate Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad lead a Unity Government without DAP. That was the initial agreement. However, the support was later withdrawn. The …
Continue ReadingAFTER more than two months of the Movement Control Order (MCO) which now enters its conditional stage, the people are fighting tooth and nail to avoid the adverse economy impact on them, notably the petty traders who were not allowed …
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